Saturday, April 18, 2015
it all started back in early december. hubs family was all in town for a football game and they had come to stay at our house. if you have been around a little while, you know we attend the indy 500 with some of hubs extended family. you also would know that we enjoy a few adult beverages when we are with said crowd.
this time was no different. we had welcomed everyone to our home, had a wonderful weekend and were just getting ready for bed when i mentioned to hubs cousin that i was not feeling well. she turned to me and said 'it's because you are pregnant'. we both laughed and i shot back another glass of wine. we made a few more passing remarks about the comment and even hubs laughed about it, too.
fast forward to that sunday night... i leaned up against the counter and realized that my boobs were in extreme pain. i figured it was because of the screaming/drinking/running through the city/ tossing around coolers in freezing cold temps, that made me just feel icky. i shot back some nyquil and hit the sack to get ready for the long week.
turns out, i kept thinking, hmm... could she have been right? i decided to stop and grab a test on the way to work (insert awkward conversation with the old lady at the rinky dink grocery store in our town) to put my mind at ease either way.
i waited till i got home from work and decided i would take the test. i did the deed and walked away. i should also mention one of my brothers was in town at our house, too... so i knew i had to play it calm. i walked back into the bathroom and saw it sitting there. the thing was positive. i had no real reaction. i stuck it under my side of the sink and went about the night. i decided it wasn't right and that i would take another one later. welp, later came, it was still positive and i decided again, i should take another one in the morning. during this whole time i had yet to say anything to hubs. his birthday was a day away and i knew, i wanted to tell him the next day.
13 pregnancy tests later, it was finally real enough for me to believe it. we were having a baby. i ended up telling hubs on his birthday, before the cavs game. turns out, we were so excited, that we didn't even make it through half the game.
so that bring us to now, we have since found out we are having a baby girl, her name will be Amelia and she is already loved more than she knows. it has been a fairly smooth journey thus far and i hope to get a recap of the first trimester and some bumdates posted... so check back, soon!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
..:i am back:..
can you say 'you're back' if you never were really around long enough to be missed? i feel like i dove head first into this blog and then... it was done.
life got really busy. LIKE really busy. we moved into your new house which I love! hubs and I have spent some time turning it into our home, both are juggling careers for the first time in our 4 years of being together AND we are also expecting our first babe!
i may be out of money before this little thing arrives because... it's a GIRL! and the world is out to make all moms of girls B R O K E with these adorable outfits. i received her 'coming home' onesie the other day and let's just say, i am swooning over it.
little miss is due early august and that means i am over halfway there, already. part of me feels like it has gone so fast and the other part, makes me think the day will never come that she is here!
we bought paint for her room today and are getting ready to head that project. i can't wait to share with you the progress and all about little miss and her name ;). something has to be left out to make you come back for more ;)
life got really busy. LIKE really busy. we moved into your new house which I love! hubs and I have spent some time turning it into our home, both are juggling careers for the first time in our 4 years of being together AND we are also expecting our first babe!
i may be out of money before this little thing arrives because... it's a GIRL! and the world is out to make all moms of girls B R O K E with these adorable outfits. i received her 'coming home' onesie the other day and let's just say, i am swooning over it.
little miss is due early august and that means i am over halfway there, already. part of me feels like it has gone so fast and the other part, makes me think the day will never come that she is here!
we bought paint for her room today and are getting ready to head that project. i can't wait to share with you the progress and all about little miss and her name ;). something has to be left out to make you come back for more ;)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
..:i confess a lot lately:..
Well, this is a new one for me.
First of all, I LOVE humpday. There is no pressure for humpday. No night to go out drinking, no need to stay up late. You know when you wake up tomorrow, you are going to be able to 'go to bed later that night because the weekend is coming' #realtalk.
Anyway, I have never done this linkup and I have to admit, the thing that sucked me in is the fact that I am a sucker for a hot man in a bowtie... whoops.
So let's start with some confessions, shall we?
I confess that I am a little obsessed with our house. I love it a lot and am so excited to have real roots down now! Living outta boxes #nofun
I confess that I am addicted to my nutribullet. This little baby is the best thing since sliced bread. I am loving all the smoothies and veggies I can make in it! It keeps me full and I don't feel like I am over eating when I enjoy a yummy treat!
I confess that I just did a confessional link up last friday and that might make me really lame, so I do apologize.
I am VERY obsessed with my new group of kinder babies and look forward to an awesome year with them all!
Okay, that enough confessions to last me a lifetime.
Friday, August 15, 2014
..:5 for FRIDAY!:..
welp, it is BACK TO SCHOOL! I have to admit, I am REALLY excited to get back in the classroom with all my new kiddies. I am also excited to get into a routine again. EVEN MORE exciting, WE ARE MOVING INTO OUR HOUSE!
WOO! Just typing all that makes me feel like I am going to be a chicken with my head cut off... but, I am ready!
This week, I am linking up to confess a few things...
1. I am so excited to have a nice new bed!!!we are having all of our furniture delivered this coming week. I feel like a little kid on christmas. Hubs and I did tons of bed tests and decided on the KING! Woohoo!
2. We bought a lot of paint. We didn't buy any samples... So, I hope it works because, I mean... A LOT of paint. So, I cannot wait to see how this house turns out! Hubs and I are about to tackle this mostly on our own... send us some good thoughts.
3.oh, I chopped off 12 inches of my hair. It is kinda the best thing I ever did. I love it. If you follow on instagram, you probably saw the beaut. The biggest surprise was the amount of shampoo I did not need in the shower..#whoops
4. signing all the paperwork for our house was not as exciting as they make it seem on HGTV. I didn't leave with keys in my hand and we were sitting in the middle of Panera... but none of that matters now. However, if I were the title lady, I would at least bring you some balloons!
5. decorating my classroom is one of my most favorite things I do in my job. Next to having a bunch of little babes in tow, I love the redoing of a classroom and all the new supplies that comes along with it. I also feel like this could possibly be the best year ever at my job!
WOO! Just typing all that makes me feel like I am going to be a chicken with my head cut off... but, I am ready!
This week, I am linking up to confess a few things...
1. I am so excited to have a nice new bed!!!we are having all of our furniture delivered this coming week. I feel like a little kid on christmas. Hubs and I did tons of bed tests and decided on the KING! Woohoo!
2. We bought a lot of paint. We didn't buy any samples... So, I hope it works because, I mean... A LOT of paint. So, I cannot wait to see how this house turns out! Hubs and I are about to tackle this mostly on our own... send us some good thoughts.
3.oh, I chopped off 12 inches of my hair. It is kinda the best thing I ever did. I love it. If you follow on instagram, you probably saw the beaut. The biggest surprise was the amount of shampoo I did not need in the shower..#whoops
4. signing all the paperwork for our house was not as exciting as they make it seem on HGTV. I didn't leave with keys in my hand and we were sitting in the middle of Panera... but none of that matters now. However, if I were the title lady, I would at least bring you some balloons!
5. decorating my classroom is one of my most favorite things I do in my job. Next to having a bunch of little babes in tow, I love the redoing of a classroom and all the new supplies that comes along with it. I also feel like this could possibly be the best year ever at my job!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
..:back to school:..
Welp. It was back to school for me yesterday AND I was kinda pumped about it. I have been now teaching kindergarten for 3 years and I FINALLY feel like I know what I am doing! I have been able to really dive into getting my classroom together and decorating as I would please you know, #important things.
Also important, I GOT A LAMINATOR!!! I am SO excited about this, it is sad.
This is super rando. I appologize... but show my best friend from high school, Corey Mach, some love and enjoy this kick ass video. It makes me a proud girl. He produces this whole show, along with many others...
Also important, I GOT A LAMINATOR!!! I am SO excited about this, it is sad.
This is super rando. I appologize... but show my best friend from high school, Corey Mach, some love and enjoy this kick ass video. It makes me a proud girl. He produces this whole show, along with many others...
Monday, August 11, 2014
Well, with this being the start of the last week of summer, I am sad to say our trips away are coming to an end. We went out with a bang and had such an awesome 3 day getaway!
Last week, Michigan was fun. We were excited to get out of the house without the hubs having to lug around his studying materials. It was relaxing and we spent time with hubs sister which is always a plus. However, this week, our trip was even better!
This week we went up to Chautauqua and spent two wonderful nights at an ADORABLE b&b called Lakeside Bed and Breakfast. Seriously, go there. So cute, great breakfast, wonderful staff. We loved it all! I mean, look at this picture!
Our first day, we explored the cutest towns and decided to head down to the Chautauqa Institution. Now, the institution was BEAUTIFUL perhaps not our crowd of people, but still, so worth going into! It looks like something out of a movie set. We had a great lunch, people watched, the whole 9 yards. After our afternoon there, we headed back to our b&b for some wine and cheese... for real, this place=amazing.

Friday, we woke up, checked out and headed down to Pittsburg to see our friends Drew and Greg. They threw a bomb-ass thai party IN THEIR LIVING ROOM! If you follow me on instagram, I apologize as you have already heard and seen all about this event. But for real, we have some talented friends. The food was so, so, so good and gluten free, too! They had literally transformed their home to resemble a traditional style of thai food, pillows and all!
We also went to the Churchworks Brewery, explored the downtown riverwalk area, went to an AWESOME cider house and had a great time seeing where they are at.
Last week, Michigan was fun. We were excited to get out of the house without the hubs having to lug around his studying materials. It was relaxing and we spent time with hubs sister which is always a plus. However, this week, our trip was even better!
This week we went up to Chautauqua and spent two wonderful nights at an ADORABLE b&b called Lakeside Bed and Breakfast. Seriously, go there. So cute, great breakfast, wonderful staff. We loved it all! I mean, look at this picture!
It is that beautiful, I promise.
And our room?! TO DIE FOR!!!
We met the cutest couples, learned a lot about life and had some very deep conversations that I absolutely loved. Trips like this just make my heart so happy!
We were so excited to get home, however because... IT IS ALL OURS!! We move in this weekend and couldn't be happier about it :)!!! Here she is, in all her glory! SO excited to move in!!!!!
With all that being said, it is back to work for me! It has been a great summer but time to get my classroom all set and gear up for a new group of kinder babes to come on through!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Guys, I need to confess something to you all... hubs and I are have an obsession. It's a pretty bad one... It started about May of this past year, when we canceled our cable and relied only on HuluPlus and Netflix. This obsession, is called Survivor.
It is getting out of control. We can't go to bed without it, haha. Our Hulu was out for a few days (silly cc #'s changing) and I panicked! Okay, so it's really not THAT bad. But, really, it is.
I have my favorite character who in reality is just a human, but I feel like these people become characthers to me! His name is Malcolm. I have watched every season he has been on, yes he is beautiful, yes I twitter creep him, yes, yes, yes to any creepy question you are going to ask.
It is getting out of control. We can't go to bed without it, haha. Our Hulu was out for a few days (silly cc #'s changing) and I panicked! Okay, so it's really not THAT bad. But, really, it is.
I have my favorite character who in reality is just a human, but I feel like these people become characthers to me! His name is Malcolm. I have watched every season he has been on, yes he is beautiful, yes I twitter creep him, yes, yes, yes to any creepy question you are going to ask.
That being said, we have become a huge fan of this silly/wonderful show. It really is a sad addiction. I can't believe how many hours we have committed to this show. Therefore, I have decided I am going to try out for the next one... ha, just kidding.
The only other show I have loved this much, was How i Met Your Mother. It was a classic that I may or may not have become amused with only last summer... #noticeatrend
has anyone else ever binged on a show before? Anyone want to make a survivor show where you can go to sleep in your own bed while playing challenges that are not as hard as the one on the show?! SIGN ME UP!
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