Saturday, April 18, 2015


it all started back in early december. hubs family was all in town for a football game and they had come to stay at our house. if you have been around a little while, you know we attend the indy 500 with some of hubs extended family. you also would know that we enjoy a few adult beverages when we are with said crowd.

this time was no different. we had welcomed everyone to our home, had a wonderful weekend and were just getting ready for bed when i mentioned to hubs cousin that i was not feeling well. she turned to me and said 'it's because you are pregnant'. we both laughed and i shot back another glass of wine. we made a few more passing remarks about the comment and even hubs laughed about it, too.

fast forward to that sunday night... i leaned up against the counter and realized that my boobs were in extreme pain. i figured it was because of the screaming/drinking/running through the city/ tossing around coolers in freezing cold temps, that made me just feel icky. i shot back some nyquil and hit the sack to get ready for the long week.

turns out, i kept thinking, hmm... could she have been right? i decided to stop and grab a test on the way to work (insert awkward conversation with the old lady at the rinky dink grocery store in our town) to put my mind at ease either way.

i waited till i got home from work and decided i would take the test. i did the deed and walked away. i should also mention one of my brothers was in town at our house, too... so i knew i had to play it calm. i walked back into the bathroom and saw it sitting there. the thing was positive. i had no real reaction. i stuck it under my side of the sink and went about the night. i decided it wasn't right and that i would take another one later. welp, later came, it was still positive and i decided again, i should take another one in the morning. during this whole time i had yet to say anything to hubs. his birthday was a day away and i knew, i wanted to tell him the next day.

13 pregnancy tests later, it was finally real enough for me to believe it. we were having a baby. i ended up telling hubs on his birthday, before the cavs game. turns out, we were so excited, that we didn't even make it through half the game.

so that bring us to now, we have since found out we are having a baby girl, her name will be Amelia and she is already loved more than she knows. it has been a fairly smooth journey thus far and i hope to get a recap of the first trimester and some bumdates posted... so check back, soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

..:i am back:..

can you say 'you're back' if you never were really around long enough to be missed? i feel like i dove head first into this blog and then... it was done.

life got really busy. LIKE really busy. we moved into your new house which I love! hubs and I have spent some time turning it into our home, both are juggling careers for the first time in our 4 years of being together AND we are also expecting our first babe!

i may be out of money before this little thing arrives because... it's a GIRL! and the world is out to make all moms of girls B R O K E with these adorable outfits. i received her 'coming home' onesie the other day and let's just say, i am swooning over it.

little miss is due early august and that means i am over halfway there, already. part of me feels like it has gone so fast and the other part, makes me think the day will never come that she is here!

we bought paint for her room today and are getting ready to head that project. i can't wait to share with you the progress and all about little miss and her name ;). something has to be left out to make you come back for more ;)
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