Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Guys, I need to confess something to you all... hubs and I are have an obsession. It's a pretty bad one... It started about May of this past year, when we canceled our cable and relied only on HuluPlus and Netflix. This obsession, is called Survivor.

It is getting out of control. We can't go to bed without it, haha. Our Hulu was out for a few days (silly cc #'s changing) and I panicked! Okay, so it's really not THAT bad. But, really, it is.

I have my favorite character who in reality is just a human, but I feel like these people become characthers to me! His name is Malcolm. I have watched every season he has been on, yes he is beautiful, yes I twitter creep him, yes, yes, yes to any creepy question you are going to ask.

That being said, we have become a huge fan of this silly/wonderful show. It really is a sad addiction. I can't believe how many hours we have committed to this show. Therefore, I have decided I am going to try out for the next one... ha, just kidding.

The only other show I have loved this much, was How i Met Your Mother. It was a classic that I may or may not have become amused with only last summer... #noticeatrend

has anyone else ever binged on a show before? Anyone want to make a survivor show where you can go to sleep in your own bed while playing challenges that are not as hard as the one on the show?! SIGN ME UP!
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  1. Oh my gosh... I loved Malcolm!!! Last year I went to a bar and the bartender looked JUST LIKE HIM so I pulled up a photo of Malcolm and said SEEEEEEE? He was not amused.

  2. hahahaha! isn't he THE cutest? I can't deal!!

  3. Oh my gosh... I loved Malcolm!!!His name is Malcolm. I have watched every season I went to a bar and the bartender looked JUST LIKE HIM so I pulled up a photo of Malcolm and said SEEEEEEE?
