Friday, July 18, 2014


This year has been down right, close the front door, STINKIN crazy.

Since last july, so much has happened in my life. I planned a shower, and my wedding, took classes, moved my husband back to school, traveled for friends weddings, visits to the hubs, moved•yes again• picked out a dog, then decided we wouldn't be good pet parents and told them they should find a better home, hubs totaled out our car(thankfully he was okay!) took more classes, moved hubs home from school, sold our house, moved all of our stuff into storage, moved back in with my parents, house hunted like crazy, put offers on houses, watched our 'dream' home be sold to someone else, put more offers in and..

as of this minute we could possibly finally have a home of our own!!!
•fingers crossed over and over•

With that being said, it's been one heck of a 12 month period of time. I am ready for life to slow back down and get into a normal routine.

But this year taught me a lot.  It's been a great year in so many ways and it's been a downright crappy one in others. But the best part about it? Tomorrow always came and it was always a chance for me to have a fresh start.

If we happen to actually get to purchase this said home that I mentioned above, it's going to be OUR first home. We will get to pick the paint together, buy new adult like furniture, plan how we use the rooms and live there for as long or as short as we would like. That's just crazy and absurd to me.

You see, we didn't live together before we got married (unless you count your parents telling you to get your shower gift and wedding stuff out of their basement so they can host your rehearsal dinner there,  2 weeks before your wedding day and then offering to help you pack a truck, living together...) and the house we moved into was the hubs 'baby'. He fixed it all up and did a great job on it.
See, it's a beaut. But it wasn't 'our' home. I simply moved into his place. So to say I'm excited about 'our' first 'home' together, well that would be accurate.  #wifeyprobs

So whoever and whatever you believe in. Throw us some good thoughts as we truck on through the process. Our luck can only go up, we hope!

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1 comment:

  1. You certainly have had an eventful year!! Thanks for stopping by my blog & good luck on the house hunt!
