Monday, July 21, 2014

..:weekend recap:..

This weekend was a lot of fun. This Monday is also just as great. #thingsteacherssayinthesummeronly 

As you have gathered by now, hubs is studying for a really big test and anytime we can get away for an evening, we are really excited about it. So while I think this was a great weekend, it may not compare to your kickass one...

Friday morning we had the inspection on our *dare I say it* OUR house! Everything went really well and we are still moving along quickly to close on it! We also decided with said news, we would have a quick night out that evening sort of a celebration. We decided window furniture shopping was obviously a must and pretending you have all the money in the world is a lot more fun than shopping on any sort of budget. After we were done playing lifestyle of the rich and famous, we grabbed a quick meal at the cheesecake factory... YUM!

Saturday, I was invited to go wedding dress shopping with hubs sister... guess what guys? She found THE one! I was more giddy for this one than I was for my own! It was wonderful :) We went out around MI for lunch and to bum around a little before heading home to Ohio. -sidenote, this is not her dress, but she thought it was a good one to show off ;)

Sunday, my mom and I went to go pick up an area rug hubs and I had purchased on friday and on the way, we hit up Trader Joes. Mom was a little excited and may or may not have bought 4 six-packs of blueberry beer and more than a handful of  the cheapest bottles of wine. #classylady

But, on a serious note... has anyone tried to TJ's gluten free version of Oreos?! OH.MY.WORD. they are possibly the best things I have had since.. well Oreos. I am obsessed and just a lil dunk in some almond milk and you can't even tell a difference! I am super pumped about this one!

Hope you all had a great weekend, too!

I am linking up with Rachael for a weekend wrap-up!

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The Rachael Way


  1. I LOVE that e-card, the perks of being a teacher! That's so awesome that she found THE dress, that is the best feeling in all of the world.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It was awesome :) I was sooo giddy for her!

  2. Haha, that e-card is so true. I am interested in that blueberry beer of which you speak! I have tried Lindemans cherry, peach, and raspberry flavors, and liked them all, so I think I'd probably like the blueberry kind, too.
    Your weekend looked like it was full of all kinds of excitement! :D

    1. I haven't had that blueberry but my mom has... and judging by the amount she bought, I would say she LOVES it :)

      It was a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. THAT E-CARD DOE. hahah. life. Congrats on the house, so excited for you two!!

  4. OMG that ecard is so true! I NEVER know what day it is in the summer. I hope that it ends up being your house!!
