Thursday, July 24, 2014


This week is crazy, as is every week. My brother, his wife, their 3 boys have all come to stay at my parents while they are also between houses. That makes 9 of us living like the Brady Bunch. Hubs is busy studying..still, yes I know, its lame, but it is almost all over!! I have been trying to study for my reading endorsement test (taking it today) and also, trying to enjoy the end of summer rut that comes when you realize you haven't done all you needed too! We are anxiously still awaiting the house closing and trying to plan a trip for when hubs is done with the test.

So naturally speaking today, I went to Target and T.J Maxx because #whynot?

Target never disappoints, am I right? I kid you not, I  can be having the worst day and then just walk in that place and have a whole new look on life. But, of course, I went in to grab a baby gift for a friend and then that stinkin dollar spot found me! I needed to buy it all... but lets not be confused, I also bought it all on Monday, too... #shooot

exhibit 1 (sorry if you already follow me on the insta you have already seen my purchases, and if you haven't then *shameless plug to go do it* thank you in advance                 
-------------------> clearly, all that washi tape... needed it. Chalk markers are for sure a must have and no one can even resist those cute little gift tags! I just need a project now because all of those things and the not pictured chalk paint and magnetic paint were clearly impulse buys. 

 Also, Tuesday, my favorite teacher friends and I headed to IKEA in PA! It was a great girls day and I am super pumped about the purchase of my wine racks. I got those cute spice racks, too for the books. You know, the one everyone has done on pinterest, but I choose to photograph the wine #whoops.

More importantly, I am reminded how lucky I am to work with such wonderful woman. These girls are my favorite gal pals. Its friends like these that make me a little itty bitty excited for school to start back up. 

Tell me I am not alone, everyone else MUST get sucked in from the Target curse, too... right?!

Have a great day :)

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  1. Which Ikea did you go to? Conshohocken, Philly, or a different one? I haven't been in a while. I typically go to the one in South Philly when I go.

    What are you planning for all the washi tape?

    1. we went to the on in Pittsburg. Its about 2 hours from us, so perfect day :)

      I have NO stinkin idea on the washi tape, any advice or ideas would be great ;)

  2. Target is the best! I'm so glad that my new place is farther from one than my old place. My old place it was right down the road & there were some weeks when I'd be in there daily.

    1. For sure, I swear, I need everything once I am in there!!

  3. Target and Washi Tape and Ikea... you're a girl after my own heart <3
