Monday, July 28, 2014


Linking up! With Rachael
woah, this weekend feels like it never happened!

Friday night the hubs took a small break for some early appetizers and when we came home, I headed to our neighbor's house for a welcome home dinner. Perfect night, out on the patio with a few bottles of wine! It have been unreasonably chilly up here in Ohio the past few weeks so it felt like a fall night complete with a bonfire. By the time I came home, hubs was done studying and we started a new season of survivor #coolkids #wedonthavecable #thankshuluplus

Saturday I explored target... again and pat catans, plus the dollar store. It was a busy day ;). I also was able to get a run in! It was a perfect day to run through our park system. We also drove by our house! It was still standing and still a beut :)!!!

Sunday, we spent all day helping my parents clean, paint and fix up the garage. It was a huge project but it is starting to look great. I also helped my mom refinish a few old cabinets and add sweet doors on them. I will have a before and after once I find cute hardware. The only downside of this refinishing, it the permanent spray paint and stain that is not stuck all over my hands/nail/feet/legs/clothes. 

Now that I look back, this weekend was not very eventful. However, it seemed as though it was. #whoops 

The hubs leaves today to head down to the state capital to take his test. For the next three days, send some good thoughts our way. I know he is ready and will do great!

I hope everyone else had a great weekend!
post signature The Rachael Way


  1. What a fun but busy weekend! Glad you got time with the hubs! Also I'm loving the fall weather lately!

  2. I can't believe how cold it is in Ohio!! I recently moved from Ohio to Georgia, and now I'm back visiting OH and I'm in shock, lol.
