Thursday, July 17, 2014


So let me tell you all a secret. The hubs, he is pretty great. He is currently studying for a BIG test and decided that now was a better time than ever to ALSO train to run a full marathon. You know, just casually bust out 26.2 miles like it's what normal people do.

Me, being the supportive, wonderfully enthusiastic, cheerleader of a wife decided that I should totally train for a half! Why? I am still not 100% sure. See, I used to play soccer. You say that and people think that means you are still in shape. Let me give you the answer to your thought #nope.

But back to soccer. I hated to run. I mean I did it, but I disliked it, a lot. Fast forward to last fall and our school decided to start a Girls on the Run (GOTR) program. Somehow, this seemed like a great thing for me (hater of all things running) to coach. Well, guess what folks. I liked it. No, I actually LOVED it. I trained the right way (with 3rd graders) so I felt confident. I was able to run a 5k and actually love my life and not hate it. 

Great, so I can run a 5k. only......10ish more miles and I can run a half!  All kidding aside, I am excited for this challenge and still have 88 days till race day. Hubs is busting out 12-14 miles... me, I am more of a slow and steady kinda gal. I can casually complete about 5 miles but know I need to kick it up a notch.

So fill me in all you runners...what do I do to get ready?!
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1 comment:

  1. You can do it!! I know you can! :D Way to go girl!
