Wednesday, July 16, 2014


So, let's get right down to business here. Today, I want to share with you something that actually has some substance.

I have been on quite a journey this past year with food. 

Last summer, I got a nasty bacterial infection that no one could figure out. A few ton of dr. visits later, over a month of yuck and lots of blood work later, it all resulted in me finding out I have an intolerance to gluten... for.stinkin.real. how did I make it 25 years without knowing this?

I don't actually understand this 'intolerance' business. I know I do not have celiac but my numbers can hit that range and aren't exactly sure what makes my counts jump and how much I can stand before the symptoms reoccur. So, I just avoid it as much as I can. *read:cookies, cake, wraps

K. promise, getting to the point...

Food is such a powerful thing. Fueling your body with what you need is so important. My dear Advocare girls say it best "you should be filling up your body with premium gas, it's the only engine you have got" #realtalk

Gluten free is not always the easy thing to do. At first, it wasn't as 'in' as it is now and people didn't quite get what it meant, heck, I didn't even know what it meant! But, through trial and error and lots of breakdowns I feel like I finally have a control on it all. Am I perfect? Oh hellllllll no. I still make selfish food choices and usually make the poor hubs pay for it with my anxiety, stomach pains, headaches and bloating. However, it is getting better!

Since finding this out about myself, a lot more people have decided for many different reasons to be GF. All I can say is thanks peeps because now, they put those perfect little circles on the front of my cereal boxes to let me know that I am in fact, making a good choice.

So next time, pick up a bag of corn chips and salsa with me and munch on you GF lovers of mine. And be a little kinder to those with food allergies, we don't like it either! So, lets all get along ;)

p.s anyone found GF wraps that don't break in .3 seconds? Sister needs a taco!

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