Tuesday, July 15, 2014

..:who is this chick?:..


I figure, you must be wondering, "who is this chick?!" If you are anything like me, I enjoy pictures WAY more than words. In my eyes, there isn't anything better than a solid, good-ol' fashioned, over edited collage... #amiright

So there's pretty much all you need to know about me.

just kiddin'. I also like wine. There's no pictures of wine. But really...

let me introduce you to the people above....

-There's the hubs, often referred to as Jason, bubs, or J if I really feel lazy! We were married on December 28,2013 and after wishing for a white wedding, you wouldn't even stinkin' believe it ended up being 56 degrees out that day! Nevermind the fact it was -12 when we got home from our honeymoon with lots of snow... but I digress.

-The parents, mostly called Mom or Dad... maybe the old folks, but all kidding aside, they are pretty solid people with a way better social life than I.

-The brothers, there are three of them and they are the big men on campus around here, meaning I am the baby of the fam. They are all married and have made me an auntie 7 times to 7 crazy, loving boys. There's no jokin' real men marry teachers... my mom was a teacher and all my brothers married one as well.... and so did my husband ;)

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  1. Congrats on starting it up! I look forward to reading.

  2. Awww... real men marry teachers! I love it!
