Friday, July 25, 2014


Today I am sharing my favorites and linking up with Amanda from Meet@the Barre

My favorite 'clean eat' snack:

i love me some veggies right from the garden! so yummy!

My *new* favorite past time dying my hair:
that would be my oldest nephew and his approval of the dye process ;)

My favorite quote and if you follow me on instagram, you saw this last week. It is by a teacher that I love to follow, you can find her blog, here:

My favorite (proud) moment, the hubs graduating:
After 3 long distance years, we were finally able to join our address! ha! it's the small things :)

My favorite funny picture from our wedding:
We aren't sure you smashed first, but the other one gave it right back :)

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  1. That is so exciting after 3 years girl!!! Thanks so much for linking up!

  2. Replies
    1. I am going to print it out and start passing it out to people! :)

  3. I've been eating so much from our garden lately, and so has our little girl! I'm definitely going to miss having fresh veggies all the time. And congrats on no longer being long distance, that's definitely a great day :)

    1. Aren't gardens the best?! I wish we lived somewhere that could grow them for a longer season!

      and thanks about the long distance. it does feel pretty great :) can't lie!
